esok paper terakhir….

hye…myb byk owg dah balik wak2 skang nier..

mklm lah dah ay rabu…

tp aku cume nk gtau esk penantian akan berakhir..

esok last paper kitaorg budak pend fizik taun 2..

paper nanophysics….paper nie kitaorg first batch yg amek..

so harap korg dapat doakan kitaprg sumer…

harap2..kita sumer akan berjaya pada sem ini dgn cemerlang nyer….

selamat pualng buat sumer shbt2 sy

dah abes clazzzz techno..

exam techno berakhir…


alhamdulillah…aku bru jerk abes exam educational technology…..

harap2…technology boleh lah skor….

skang tinggal lagi 2 paper…

aku nk rest kejap..nk nengok kartun…detective conan…daaa

esok exam techno

erm…esok aku akan exam techno..

tp aku still xtau pe yg btol2 aku kne bace….

so aku bace ape yg aku ada n rasenyer ptt tau…

harap2 aku n kwn2  dpt jwb exam ngn baek….


exam juz around d corner..


lama dah aku xtulis kat cini…

erm..ary rabu nie aku exam…

tp aku mmg takot gler nk exam sem nier…

xtau lah knaper…

riso gler…mcm maner erk….

ntah, aku make it ke x..

pown aku sure…

doa kan aku nyer kawan2….

selamat berjaya buat sumer

ary yg menyedihkan..

today is a frusting day for me…

i had a relly bad mood…

it juz becoz of one person that is such a …… …..

the words that the person spell out is such a curse….

hopefully it will never be true….

i juz couldn’t forget even a word…..

i will forgive but forget what has then person spell out..

it will be NEVER…..

i did try to be not so cruel…..but that words had hurt me…what can i do??

anyone?? any advise???


hary nie ( 6/3/10) , aku stress…

dari pagi sampai kul 4 ptg..

aku try nk solve soalan xsgmnt..

tp still xlepas2…

kne paham sendiri bab 2…

bace punyer bace pown still confuse lagik….

so mmg geram gler…..

ini lah muke kecewa aku kerana gagal menjawab soalan

muke kecewa ku....

mmg stress lah…

akhirnye ak decide nengok movie..

nk ilangkan stress punyer pasal….

mlm nie nk sambung balik….

men stress kan diri…huuhuhu

daaa….selamat mencube pada yg secourse ngn saya yer…

ggge 2153 clazzz…

hye…. it is along time that i had not enter tis claz..

it is because, holidays for tis sem usually fall on friday….

today i learnt about educational technology… it been delivered by dr rosseni

The most interesting part is when i know that people like to learn but they just did not like school..

or in other word i could says that..

student did not like the method used by teacher in teaching….

or the approaches taken in the learning process…

Therefore, this shows that..

we as teacher has to find methods that could make them happy with learning and school..

that all for today…

kali kedua…

hary ini dah kali kedua kau jumper mentor..

ary nie we all ckp pasal SPKG plak..

ary 2 ttg diri sendiri..

mggu depan ada lagik perjumpaan ngn dier..

boleh katakan tiap minggu akan jumper dier…

ary nie jumper kejap jerk..

leby kuang satu jam…

xckp bnyk bnda sgt..

sbb dier lebih tumpukn pada mentee yg laen..


2 jerk nk ckp

learning experience..


lama dah xtulis kat blog nie….

ary nie sy belajar mcm maner nk gune video sediada  dlm pembeljran


best…kitaorg satu tutorial kne carik video major masing2..

dan try insertkan dlm pengajaran…

besides that….

td sy ada ajar dr arbaat mcm maner nk buat wordpress gak..

ada jgk yg luper..

mmg xpndai IT tol sy nie..

tp xpe…..usaha tangga kejayaaan…


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